"We're working with Anthony on The 90's Arcade Racer," wrote Nicalis founder Tyrone Rodriguez on the Kickstarter. "Our collaboration will allow him to realise his vision of the game and make sure that he has the necessary Unity programming and design help he needs so that he can concentrate on art and other aspects. On our end, we'll be working on the Unity programming, physics, tuning and general design and production of the game."
GoogleのストリートビューをWiiU専用のインターフェイスで楽しめるダウンロードソフト『Wii Street U』が本日配信開始、5月31日まで無料でダウンロードできます。任天堂公式Twitterの情報によると予定していた期間より延長して無料配信されることになったようです。